Thursday, June 25, 2009

You Should Do...

These are problems you want to go together and take her family with her lover, her family did not know that she has boyfriend...
she should tell her family about her boyfriend
If I were you can i talled my family for my lover
Or you should don't make your self bad think.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Laptop So Lmportant

The laptop so important for me because
I use laptop for everything.

It's $1600 so cheap and everything in it.

It's special for one person because every
thing for the person.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lion My Favourite Animal

Lion is my favourite animal because i like his look,
strong Voice, and he is king of forest.
he is never hunting only eating when his waef
hunting he go to eat.
his long of (4 to 6) foot, 330 to 600 Kilo.
he has tall haer so nice.

If i have ((10million))

If i have 10 million. First, i give my family.

Then, i need to buy a new home for all my

family. Next, i will give anybody need to

money. Latr, i enjoy my self. iFinally, i put the money in the bank.