Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nice Story

Once upon a time there was mother duck. And she is going to make eggs. And when all eggs hatch up, one egg still quit, he hatched up after 2 days. But he was a different to another ducks, and all the birds start to call him freak of nature. This freak duck was seriously freak, but he had a good heart, and he wanted to make everybody happy. He always dreamed to became like swan. He thought that all swans are peaceful, gorgeous, and they are very beautiful. One day this freak duck became a swan. He is not actually a duck, his mother duck founded him. So, he became a beautiful swan, and all the ducks who make fun with him, they became so jealous, and they start to envy him.
The moral is don’t make fun with someone who looks bad or freak, first is inside of this person, first is his personality. Important thing is never make fun with person who looks bad, maybe he became much beautiful than you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

man in my cauntry

man in my cauntry aleays work to make monay to his family
man don't do anything in home, everythink the lady do in home,
but often man work in home